“The Public Interest Law Clearing House” (or PILCH) is perhaps not the best name for an organization. Especially one helping to improve the lives of the less fortunate.
The challenge
Staff at PILCH faced many obstacles when they needed to communicate the importance of their work to an outside audience. And their work was important.
With no clear way to describe the work in emotive, simple language the organization wasn’t reaching its potential. As the communications lead, it was my responsibility to fix this.
My work
I quickly identified that the organization needed to be rebranded. I got the green light. I brought on a research company and brand strategists to begin the process of a people-focused rebrand.
Together we conducted research and began a thorough brand strategy process. I brought together senior staff to identify the values of the organization, define the brand essence and promise, and develop the key messages.
I handed over the project at this point with the visual identity and name to come.
The outcome
Justice Connect launched in 2013. New name, new identity, same important purpose. The biggest benefit according to the CEO, Fiona McLeay?
I would say it’s been internal unity around what we do and the external clarity we now have.
Other work

Strategy, narrative, and messaging for a new global campaign

Minimum wage campaigns
Shining a light on inequality in the U.S.

Dump the Dump
Helping a marginalized community fight for their land

River campaign
Standing up to a well-funded lobby group